February 18, 2013

Boston Black Catholic Choir

In honor of President's Day we invited the Boston Black Catholic Choir to perform a concert for our school community.  As this year is the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation we thought it was would be fitting to have this choir come on this holiday.
Lorna DesRoses (left front row) is the Director of the Office of Black Catholics in the Archdiocese of Boston

Meyer Chambers poses with our students

I had never heard the choir sing before but I was aware of them and heard nothing but amazing things about them.  Their reputation certainly preceded them - they were AMAZING.

Some students came up and said it was the best assembly we ever had and I got a sort of compliment when I was told by one student that it was my best idea ever.

The choir sang for over an hour under the direction of their founder Meyer Chambers.  Meyer works in Campus Ministry at Boston College and between each song he would introduce the theme of the next song or some idea behind it.  For example, before the choir sang "I Need You to Survive" he told the students that he loves them.  He said he doesn't know them but he loves them and needs them...and people out in the world need them.  He used the example of St. Katherine Drexel, who spent her millions on helping the black and Indian populations.  Meyer said he didn't know St. Katherine Drexel but she helped him....and people who looked like him because she was available to others.

Pierre Monette is a fellow BC High alum.  I remembered that he received an award from the school when I was a student there.
The concert was a wonderful cross section of culture, faith, music, and history.  Our students were so engrossed and spent a lot of time after the concert talking to the members and taking pictures.

This was one of those days you can say you were there!

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