December 20, 2011

Annual Advent/Christmas Mass and Party

Tomorrow we will have our annual Advent/Christmas Mass with the students and staff of Saint Joseph Regional Junior High School over at Saint Anthony Church.  Father Richard Dion, the pastor of Saint Anthony and a very good friend of Trinity, will be the celebrant.  There will be a special, surprise guest stopping by before the start of the Mass to say hello to everyone.

Following Communion, we will honor Sister Frances Lessard, CSC.  Sister Frances was the last principal of Saint Anthony's High School which merged with Bishop Bradley High School and Immaculata High School in 1970 to form Trinity High School.  Sister served as one of Trinity's first assistant principal, serving in that role for a few years.  This year she celebrates her 65th anniversary of religious profession and we thought it would be nice to honor her for her commitment to the Church, especially Catholic education.  Mr. Maurier of our Science Department will say a few words about her and we will present her with a gift.  Mr. Maurier was a student at Saint Anthony's and Trinity during Sister Frances' time.

The Mass will begin around 10:30am and all are welcome to join us.  Following the Mass, we will bus back to Trinity for a Christmas party in the gym - again, all are welcome.

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