The ceremony began with words of welcome from the class president, Jack McCahill '17. Jack gave a wonderful talk encouraging the class to leave behind a strong legacy and to epitomize the school's motto of Pride, Spirit, and Tradition. I then followed this with an opening prayer and together we all prayed Psalm 25 monastic style. Mrs. Leblond P'16, '19 then read the scripture passage from Matthew's gospel where Jesus issues His great commission to His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Mr. Mailloux '72, P'97 then offered a reflection on leadership and then commissioned the juniors, asking them:
Do you accept the challenge to be light to the Trinity High School community?
Will you carry out your responsibility as a Trinity High School student leader with enthusiasm and a willingness to witness to the Gospel?
Are you committed to a ministry of mercy to both your school and your community?
Are you committed to giving witness to your faith as part of the Catholic mission of Trinity High School?
To which, each junior responded with the appropriate verb followed by "with the help of God's grace."
We then called up each junior and presented each of them with a note from a coach, teacher, advisor, etc. encouraging them to be strong leaders, to make the most of their senior year, to leave a legacy, etc. They also received a Tau Cross as the third symbol of our Catholic faith that we present to them (they received San Damiano wall crosses as freshmen and rosary beads as sophomores) and those who ordered a class ring received that as well.
Mr. Mailloux concluded the ceremony by showing them a fun video from "Kid President" about how to change the world. You can watch it here.
Here's to the Class of 2017 and to a great next academic year!
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