Yesterday our school community gathered for Ash Wednesday Mass, the beginning of the 40-day season of Lent. Our celebrant was our chaplain Father Richard Dion. In his homily, Father Richard spoke of how so many people do not go to Mass on a regular basis, but they flock to churches on Ash Wednesday. He thinks this is because they want to be marked, marked as believers and disciples of Christ. He said that people often ask, "How/when do I take the ashes off of my forehead?" He said, "If you think about it, we can never wash away the cross of Christ from us."

Following the final blessing, we acknowledge Mr. Powers '63 of our athletics office. You may recall that Mr. Powers was very sick and in the hospital on two separate occasions in recent weeks. However, he is now home and back to work, at least on a part-time basis. I didn't even see him until halfway through the Mass. But, we all gave him a huge ovation and welcome home.
We will have daily events here to mark the season of Lent and all are welcome to join us. Schedule of events to come.
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