This past Saturday Bishop Libasci ordained two men to the priesthood - Fathers Charlie Pawlowski and Alan Tremblay. I met Father Charlie last summer as he was one of the pilgrims on our trip to Rome. I've met Father Alan a couple of times and he has always been most gracious.
I wasn't able to attend the ordinations as it was my son's 5th birthday but I was able to attend Father Charlie's first Mass yesterday afternoon at Saint Anthony's Parish in Manchester. There were a number of con-celebrants and servers and a beautiful choir. Father Richard Dion, the pastor of Saint Anthony's and Father Charlie's mentor, preached a funny yet powerful homily. He said he has saved a voicemail Charlie left him 8 years ago on the day he arrived at the seminary! In it Charlie complained about three things: that no one was there (he arrived on the wrong day), that there was nothing to eat other than a loaf of bread (very providential that bread was the only thing to eat); and what was he supposed to do now. Father Richard used those three "complaints" as the basis of his homily. It was masterful.
Following Mass there was a reception in the school gym. I wasn't able to stay very long but the fact that the gym was packed was a true testament to Father Charlie.
Bishop Libasci has assigned Father Alan to serve at Saint Andre Bessette Parish in Laconia and Father Charlie will be at Saint Elizabeth Seton Parish in Bedford.
Ad multos annos, Fathers Alan and Charlie.
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