January 29, 2016


The New Hampshire Primary is one week from Tuesday.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I met with every senior who is 18 or will be 18 by Primary Day and encouraged them to register to vote and to vote in the primary.  We will also be holding a mock election in theology classes on that day.

To promote the primary, we created a bulletin board with bumper stickers of all the major candidates. I visited every campaign office in Manchester earlier this week and picked up the stickers.  Martin O'Malley's office didn't have any bumper stickers so they gave me a sign instead.  Also, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum don't have campaign offices in New Hampshire so I wasn't able to get one of theirs (although they might not still be in the race after Monday).  I also posted a sample ballot of both parties and a poster that describes the candidates' experience and positions.

This is an exciting time to be working in New Hampshire and I encourage the students to make the most of it.  Most states don't get the sort of access that they do so enjoy it while it lasts!

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