May 15, 2015

Grandparent's Day!

Yesterday our school community celebrated its annual Grandparent's Day.  We began this tradition four years ago and we celebrate it on the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (last year we had to move it to the Solemnity of St. Joseph as Ascension Thursday fell very late in May).  We had over 200 grandparents and grandchildren and they all sat in chairs together while the rest of the community sat in the bleachers.

The oldest grandparents present - both 87!
Our celebrant was our chaplain Fr. Richard Dion who, as always, hit a grand slam with our grandparents.  Cardinal Lacroix '75 was planning on celebrating the Mass (see next post) but he got into Manchester at 4am and wasn't able to be with us.  Fr. Richard pulled off a great homily (he didn't even realize it was our Grandparent's Day!) despite not being prepared to preach.  He spoke of the great love our grandparents have for us and how important their friendship is to their grandchildren.  He equated that with the great love and friendship we have with Jesus Christ.  

Following Mass, Fr. Richard had all the grandparents stand up and had them sing the Doris Day song "Que Sera, Sera" for the students (not entirely sure why but it was very cute).  He then tried to see who the oldest grandparent was and had them sit down by age.  By the time he got to 85 two grandfathers were left standing, both who are 87.  He had them come up to the front and asked them if they had any words of wisdom for the students.  One of them said, "Live it up" which brought the house down (I didn't hear what the other grandfather said).  

The grandchildren then took their grandparents around the school for informal tours, to meet teachers, etc. while we changed the gym over from Mass to lunch.  Thanks to a team of great helpers we got the lunch set-up pretty quick and everyone was back at 11am.  One lesson I learn every year is that our grandparents love coffee so I need to remember to order more next year!

I always look forward to this day.  I remind our students often that life goes by fast and moments like these are important to cherish.  Mark your calendars for next year's celebration - May 5.

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