September 3, 2014

Sr. Agnes Clare, O.P.

You may recall that our former colleague Clare Girard left Trinity High School in 2013 to enter religious life with the Dominican Sisters in Nashville, TN.  She spent the 2013-2014 academic year as a postulant and this July she became a novice.  Her religious name is Sr. Agnes Clare.  She took Agnes in honor of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta whose baptismal name was Agnes.  Sr. Agnes Clare has a strong devotion to Mother Teresa and actually spent a summer in Calcutta ministering alongside her religious order, the Missionaries of Charity.

This Friday is the feast of Blessed Mother Teresa and is thus Sr. Agnes Clare's name day.  We are asking all the juniors and seniors (the last classes here that had her as a teacher) to compose a note for her to wish her a happy name day and a blessed novitiate year.  Please keep her and her vocation in your prayers.

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