April 26, 2013

Montana: Day 5

Little Flower Church and the Water Tower. 
Yesterday was a normal school day here at De La Salle Blackfeet School except the entire school community attended Mass at Little Flower Church.  Each Thursday at 10:15am the pastor, Father Ed, celebrates a school Mass using the readings for the upcoming Sunday.  This Sunday's gospel focuses on Jesus' commandment to love one another and Father Ed encouraged the students to do just that in school.  Too many times, he said, the folks in town have failed to love one another and it has harmed their community and the way people perceive them (Browning has a reputation for being a little rough around the edges).

I used yesterday to sit in on some classes - an 8th grade social studies class, a 7th grade health class, and a 5th grade math class.  As I mentioned earlier, all but one of the teachers are volunteers.  Some will only stay for one or two years with the most senior teacher (the one is on salary) having been here for 3 years.  Because of this there is a lot of turnover at the school as a result and there have been 6 principals in 12 years.  Bro. Ray is the most senior member of the school having been here for 10 years.  One of the school's goals is to firm up its curriculum and academic offering.  For the past 12 years really they have been focusing on opening the doors and keeping them open andas they continue to grow and evolve, they want to sharpen their academic focus.

Our view during our drive
After school Bro. Ray took us on a scenic ride stopping at two breathtaking locations overlooking the Rocky Mountains.  Browning is pretty much the end of the line for the Plains so there are some flatlands as you make your way west in Montana but once you hit Browning the mountains take over.

This is the school

When we returned to the bunkhouse some folks made dinner and I took a walk around the property, including down to the Two Medicine River which is right behind the property.  That evening Darnell and Smokey RidesAtTheDoor came over to speak with the students about Blackfeet culture and history.

They pretty much answered any questions the students had as they ate dinner with us.  Darnell lived on the property after the Mission School closed and spoke of how she had seen ghosts, especially a sister who worked at the school and is long dead.  I confess that I got a little spooked and when I woke up at 3am, I was afraid to keep my eyes open lest I found a nun's ghost in my room!  I never wanted to fall asleep so bad!!

Today is our last full day in Montana.  Our flight leaves at 7am tomorrow and so we are heading out at 2:30am from the mission.  School ends at 3pm today and after we will spend a little time in downtown Browning before heading back to the house for our last night.  I admit that I am ready to head home.  I love it here but I am looking forward to seeing my wife and children.  Many of our students have caught the Montana bug and would not be surprised if some are back here after college.

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