March 6, 2013

Skype with an archbishop

Archbishop Lacroix '75 speaking with students
One of our most prominent graduates is Archbishop Gerald Lacroix '75, the archbishop of Quebec and the Primate of Canada.  Archbishop Lacroix has been a very good friend to his alma mater and we've built a wonderful relationship with him.  We are always looking for ways to work with him and today we had a Skype session with him and about 50 students in one of our classrooms.

The students asked Archbishop Lacroix thoughtful questions and he was very honest with his answers.  For example, one student asked if with the upcoming papal election if the Church needs to change and without hesitation he said yes, especially, quoting Mother Teresa, "you and me."  He also spoke of the need of the need for the Church to do a better job of communicating and reaching out to people.  Students also asked him about why he became a priest, where he has traveled, how his life has changed, what his experience was like at Trinity, etc.  He had some very kind words for Trinity, saying that our Catholic identity is very strong, much stronger he felt than when he was a student here.  He also spoke of his promise of celibacy and not having a family but how that has made him so available to everyone. He loves it, he said, when people come up to him at restaurants, on the train, etc. and is able to be available to them with their thoughts or questions.

Archbishop Lacroix giving his blessing
Towards the end of the session I asked if he could give advice to students who will be going to Guatemala this April vacation for a service trip (he spent 9 years in Columbia) and he gave great practical advice, especially on not judging the people right away and to leave their iPods, etc. at home and fully immerse themselves in the culture.  He concluded by giving us his blessing and encouraging the students to really make the most of their four years and not wish them away.

Hopefully this will be the first of many sessions like this!

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