January 28, 2013

Praying together

Last week students from Trinity High School, Saint Joseph Regional Junior High School, Saint Benedict Academy, Saint Casimir School, and Saint Catherine School all got together via Google Hangout (a sort of Skype).  The goal was to brainstorm on a prayer that Trinity students would then compose and we would all pray it at our Masses during Catholic Schools Week (which is this week).

Trinity students Kasie Bourque '14, Allison Doherty '14, and Kira Duffy '13 joined me for the session and took good notes.  They in turn composed a beautiful prayer and we had it printed on nice paper and I went to all the schools today to deliver a copy to each.  We will pray it following Communion at our Mass on Friday.

The prayer is:

Praise be to God, the protector of our schools
We thank you for the gift of knowledge
With it, we learn new lessons every day 
We blossom as leaders in our faith and communities

Thank you for our family at St. Benedict Academy
Where students are unique and individual
We ask that you continue to bless them with the gift of respect

Thank you for our family at St. Casimir School 
Where students grow through their Catholic education
We ask that you continue to bless them with the gift of admirable teachers

Thank you for our family at St. Catherine School
Where students achieve their goals through their teachers' encouragement
We ask that you continue to bless them with the gift of a safe atmosphere 

Thank you for our family at St. Joseph Junior High
Where students feel comfortable expressing themselves
We ask that you continue to bless them with the gift of true friendship 

Thank you for our family at Trinity High School
Where students thrive through the use of technology
We ask that you continue to bless them with the gift of compassion through their service to others

We are grateful to come together this Catholic Schools Week as one unified family through your love. 


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