August 28, 2012

Freshman Retreat

Yesterday was our Freshman Class Retreat over at Saint Elizabeth Seton Church in Bedford.  The theme was "Trinity Beginnings" and we urged the freshmen to use Blessed John Paul II as their model and his quote "Be not afraid.  Do not settle for mediocrity" as a guide for the year.

The day was broken up into three sections: prayer, service, and community.  I used the prayer time to focus on what makes Trinity different from other schools they could be attending and how their parents have made a very big investment in their spiritual formation.  Ms. Girard then spoke about John Paul II and his call to young people to be extraordinary.  As I have done on all our retreats this year, I then asked the students to compose a prayer that we will use for our morning prayer over the intercom.

Following a break, Mr. Smith stopped by to encourage the students to be involved in the school community and not be afraid to try new things.  We then had class elections and the students elected their class officers for the year.  After lunch and a effort to make a human centipede  I showed them the film "We Have a Table For Four Ready" which is about Saint Francis Inn in Philadelphia.  I then asked them to fill out a card indicating their talent, a cause they are passionate about (i.e. fighting hunger), and then come with an idea to combine the two. I didn't collect this but rather encouraged them to hang it somewhere and to consider doing something amazing.

To conclude our day, we moved to the church for a final prayer service where I offered the following reflection:

Over the course of the past seven days you’ve made new friends, you have all new teachers, a whole new schedule, a whole new life.  While it’s always sad to move on from one stage of our lives to another, there is something very exciting about starting something new, being a little older, a little more ahead in life’s journey.  I hope and pray that the past week has been incredibly exciting for you and that you are looking forward to the next four years.

But, we don’t want the next four years to go by too quickly.  We want each of you to take  your time and enjoy what you have at Trinity High and the real world will come soon enough.  

A lot has been thrown at you today, a lot of stuff that will take a while for you to process.  As you think back to what we said Trinity High School is all about - prayer, service, community - what really spoke to you?  What particular facet about Trinity High School do you feel drawn to?  Because while we want you to enjoy the next four years, the clock is indeed ticking. I know you won’t believe me at 14 or 15 years old but trust me, life absolutely flies.  The next four years will be incredible but they are going to go fast.  If you want to make your mark an leave a legacy, now is the time to start working on that.  If you do, the next four years will be the most gratifying and fulfilling four years of your lives.  On the flip side, if you spend the next four years simply going through the motions, they will seem like 40.

So consider this question and I will pause for one whole minute for you to ponder your answer silently: when you graduate from Trinity High School in June, 2016, how will we know that you were here?  pause....

Will there be more trophies on the first floor wall because of you?  Will the poor be better off because of your work?  Will the students of Trinity High School have a deeper faith and commitment to a life with Jesus Christ?  It’s a tired, old cliche but one person can indeed make a difference.  Are you afraid to try?

If there is anything you should take away from this day is that you should not be afraid.  Pope John Paul II was not afraid of the Nazi’s who invaded his homeland and killed his Jewish friends.  He was not afraid of the Communists who tried to destroy his country’s culture and wipe out their faith.  He was not afraid to say yes to being pope.  He was not afraid to try new things and to be different.  In the end, he single handily changed the course of human history because he was not afraid and he did not settle.  

I am not sure you will change the course of human history between now and June, 2016 but you can change the course of Trinity High School...and who knows where that will lead.  We don’t have a lot of time on this planet my friends.  Jesus is patiently waiting for us and like the apostles in the reading we just heard, He has commanded us to go, to not doubt Him, to make disciples...and not to be afraid for He is always with us.  

God has a plan for each of you sitting here today.  It may be hard to see it clearly and you may not know exactly what He wants from you.  But, follow your heart, think about what made your heart burn today, and when we leave this place, do not settle, do not be mediocre, be who God has called you to be.  And do not be afraid to follow Him and the plan He has for you.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog! I love it....I am going to cut this post right into my son's journal for him to remember! He had told me about the video last night and how touched he was by the Philadelphia experience, that is what prompted my search! He definitely wants to go on that excision with you!

    Thanks for all you do at the school, it makes a huge difference!
