This week we capped off the calendar year with our traditional Advent/Christmas Mass with Saint Joseph Regional Junior High School. As always, we had the Mass at a local Church and this year we went to Saint Anthony Parish. The Church was beautifully decorated and the manger scene was breathtaking. One of our students commented that the manger statues were taller than her!
Father Richard Dion, the pastor of Saint Anthony, was our celebrant assisted by Deacon Charlie Pawlowski and Deacon Paul Leonarczyk. Deacon Charlie is a transitional deacon and, God willing, will be ordained a priest in June. Deacon Paul is an Eastern Catholic and is the father of Mary '14 as well as the chancellor of the Eparchy of Newton. Mr. Andrew Nelson, our former Campus Minister and current seminarian, served as did some students.
Bishop Peter Libasci stopped by before Mass began to say hello to everyone and to say a few words. He has been so good about getting around the state meeting and being present to as many people as possible. You cannot help but love this man. You can view his wonderful remarks here. Father Richard, as always, gave a stirring homily which you can watch here or listen to here. Our choir beautifully led us in song and Mr. Maurier continued his tradition of singing "O Holy Night" in French. You can listen to it here.
Following Communion we honored Sister Frances Lessard, CSC. Sister Frances was the last principal of Saint Anthony High School and the first assistant principal of Trinity High School when it opened in 1970. Mr. Maurier, a student at both Saint Anthony and Trinity at the time, paid an emotional tribute to Sister Frances who is celebrating her 65th anniversary of religious life. Sister then said a few words which were quite inspiring and spoke directly to the students. You can watch Mr. Maurier's and Sister's remarks here.
Following Mass, we all went back to the Trinity gym for the mother of all Christmas parties. Our amazing parents helped set-up and serve the food and then clean-up.
As always, a wonderful way to head off onto Christmas break. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
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